Albania |
Last update: 14 Jan 2024 |
Picture |
Date of first issue | Date of last issue | Type | Description | Remarks | |
1 | 1919? | 1939 | car | A 123 | V = Vlorė Europlate |
2 | 1939 | 1943 | car | Tiranė 123 | Italian occupation Francoplaque |
3 | picture wanted | 1943 | 1958 | car | ? | |
4 | 1958 | 1984 | car | AB 1234 | Francoplaque | |
5 | 1958 | 1984 | car | AB 1234 | square Hediger |
6 | 1958 | 1984 | mc | AB 1234 | motorcycle Hess |
7 |
1960s? 1965 |
1994? | CD | TD 123 | Tirana diplomat RPSSH = Republika e Shqiperise (later RPSH) (Republic of Albania) Brumby Europlate |
8 | 1960s? | 1994? | other | TR 123 | foreigner (not diplomatic) Europlate |
9 | ? | govt | Policia 123 | Policia Europlate |
10 | govt | Policia 123 | Policia motorcycle Drew |
11 |
1970s? | army | UP 12345 | army Hediger Luxner |
12 | ? | army | UP 1234 | army motorcycle Drew |
13 | ? | army | UP 12345 | army? wrong colours? Hess |
14 | 1984 | 1991 | car | AB 12345 | Europlate | |
15 | 1984 | mc | AB 12345 | motorcycle Orman |
16 | 1984 | 1991 | CD | TD 123 | diplomatic Europlate |
17 | army | U 12345 | army FT = Forca Tokėsore (Land Force) Hess FA = Forca Ajrore (Air Force) FM = Force ? (Navy) |
18 | Feb 1991 | 12 AB 345 | privately owned Hediger |
19 | 1991 | 1994 | car | AB 1234 C | high TR 0204 B Europlate |
20 | 1991 | 1994 | govt | AB 1234 Z | Europlate | |
21 |
1991 | 1994 | temp | 12 A 3456 A 123 BC |
long term temp (metal) short term temp (paper) Europlate (2x) |
22 | govt | Policia 123 | traffic police Klotz |
23 | govt | traffic police Klotz |
24 |
1994 | 2004 | car | AB 1234 C | Apr 1994 TR 4800 B 2002? hologram * introduced from TR 0001*H Europlate (2x) |
25 | 1994 | car | AB 1234 C | square Brekke |
26 | 1994 | mc | AB 123 C | motorcycle Drew |
27 | Oct 1997? Mar 2001? |
govt | AB 1234 Z | Europlate | ||
28 | seen 1995 |
govt | RSH-123 | minister RSH = Republika e Shqiperise (Republic of Albania) Europlate |
29 | CD | CD 1234 | diplomatic 07 = France Europlate |
30 | other | TR 1234 | private diplomatic series 23 = USA Europlate |
31 |
2005? | govt | Policia 123 Policia 1234 |
police Europlate square Beelen motorcycle Europlate |
32 | army | Policia 12 FA | army police Europlate |
33 | taxi | AB 123 C | taxi Beelen |
34 |
2004 | car | AB 1234 C | new dies with hologram * starting at TR*0001 I incl microprint in the charactors: Albania? 2008 TR 1234 N (R?) Beelen Europlate |
35 | car | AB 1234 C | square Toon |
36 | mc | AB 123 C | motorcycle Europlate |
37 | mopd | AB 1 C 23 | moped Europlate |
38 |
govt | AB 123 Z | high official Europlate (2x) web |
39 |
CD | CD 1234 | 2004 new dies diplomatic 01 = Austria square 42 = UNDP Europlate (2x) |
40 | other | TR 1234 | private diplomatic series 42 = UNDP Europlate |
41 | temp | AB 123 CD | temporary Europlate |
42 |
taxi | AB 123 C | taxi Rope Taxi before the letter? (maybe a mistake in the B serie?) Juke |
43 | dlr | AB 123 PR | dealer pr = prove (test) Europlate |
44 | other | AB 1234 C | bike rack Europlate |
45 | army | U 1234 (1026 - 2222) |
army high official Europlate |
46 |
2007 | CD | CD 12345 | diplomatic 11 = Italy Velo Europlate |
47 | other | TD 12345 | private diplomatic series 21 = Russia Europlate |
48 | 2008 | army | 123456 (100030 - 451007) |
army Roovers |
49 | Feb 2011 | now | car | AB 123 CD | new plates 520x112mm Europlate 2020 at AB 001AA |
50 | Jan 2011 | now | car | AB 123 CD | square 265x205mm Web |
51 | Jan 2011 | now | mc | AB 123 CD | motorcycle 212x205mm Europlate |
52 | Jan 2011 | now | mopd | CAB 123 | moped C = ciklomotoret 130x115mm Web |
53 |
square |
Jan 2011 | now | taxi | AB 123 T | taxi Europlate 2019 at AE old taxi plate still around |
54 | Jan 2011 | now | CD | CD 1234 A | diplomatic 56 = Netherlands Francoplaque |
55 | Jan 2011 | now | CD | CD 1234 A | diplomatic square 52 = Kuwait Francoplaque |
56 | Jan 2011 | now | CD | CD 12 AB | diplomatic motorcycle 11 = Italy Francoplaque |
57 | Jan 2011 | now | other | TR 1234 A | TR = Truproje Diplomatike (Diplomatic Badyguards) 11 = Italy Rope |
58 | Jan 2011 | now | temp | AB 1 PRK | temporary PRK = Pėrkohshme (interim) Francoplaque |
59 | Jan 2011 | now | dlr | AB 1 PROV | dealer prov = prove (test) Web |
60 |
Jan 2011 | now | other | AB R 123 AB MB 12 AB MT 12 AB RB 12 AB RT 12 |
R = Rimorkio (trailer) Europlate MB = Makinė Bujqėsore (Agricultural Vehicle) Francoplaque MT = Makinė Teknologjike (Technological Vehicle) maintenance Francoplaque RB = Rimorkio Bujqėsore (Agricultural trailer) RT = Rimorkio Teknologjike (Technological trailer) maintenance trailer |
61 |
square |
Jan 2011 2019? |
now | govt | MB 123 AB | Ministeria e Brendshme (Interior Ministry) Police (also seen with normal plates) Europlte |
62 | Jan 2011 2019? |
now | govt | MB 123 AB | Ministeria e Brendshme (Interior Ministry) Police (also seen with normal plates) motorcycle Europlate |
63 |
Jan 2011 2019? |
now | govt | MM 123 AB | Ministria e Mbrojtjes (Ministry of Defense) seen MM, FT, KM and PU FA = Forca Ajrore (Air Force) FD = Forca Detare (Naval Force) FT = Forca Tokėsore (Land Force) KM (Komanda Mbėshtetėse (Support Command) PU = Policia Ushtarake (Military Police) SP = Shtabi i Pėrgjithshėm (Genaral Staff) Europlate (2x) Art Williamson |
64 | later? | bike | AB 123 CD | bike rack (repetitive) Francoplaque |
65 |
? | other | R 123 AB | antique (30 years) car 520x110mm Europlate 264x205mm Velo 290x75mm Europlate |
66 | mc? | ? | other | R 123 A | antique (30 years) motorcycle 130x115mm |
67 | ? | diplo | HCC 1234 sample? HCC 123A? |
Honoray Consul 01 = Austria Europlate |
68 |
smaller plates 360x100mm? 305x153mm? 290x75mm? see above |
2022 | car |
If you have any comments, pictures or even plates, please drop me an e-mail.
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